I can't open the jar lid. What happens?

Thermal expansion occurs when an object expands and becomes larger due to a change in the object’s temperature.

When you pour hot water on the bottle, the air inside the bottle becomes warmer and expands. This means that the air volume increases, and takes more space than when it was cool. 

In physics, thermal expansion is the general increase in the volume of a material as its temperature increase. At a certain temperature, atoms within a material are going to occupy a set space. The hotter the temperature, the faster they move. They start bouncing off of each other more frequently and with more force. They expand the space they exist in. What ends up happening is the material itself expands. Solids, liquids, and gases all expand when they are heated. 

Railway lines require expansion gaps to avoid buckling in hot weather.

Intense heat causes steel railroad tracks to expand.

Thermal expansion of liquid. Thermal expansion of gas.

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