Amusing Thermal Contraction

Thermal contraction occurs when an object shrinks and becomes smaller due to a change in the object’s temperature. In physics, thermal contraction is a decrease in a material’s volume when its temperature decreases. When the temperature drops, atoms calm down and shrink. They aren’t bouncing so aggressively and don’t need Read more…

Miraculous Thermal Expansion

Thermal expansion occurs when an object expands and becomes larger due to a change in the object’s temperature. When you pour hot water on the bottle, the air inside the bottle becomes warmer and expands. This means that the air volume increases, and takes more space than when it was cool.  In physics, thermal Read more…

A Busy Bee

Out in the garden, you will see little busy bee. It never stops to take a rest. Bee is very hard working and always seem to have endless energy. Bees buzz around visiting flower after flower collecting pollen and nectar.  A bee will visit over 1500 flowers for one load Read more…

The Cuckoo Clock

Every hour, the charming carved bird pops out of a door to sing the hour in a melodic “Cuckoo!Cuckoo!” call. The cuckoo clock  was invented in the southwestern Germany region known as Black Forest in the 17th century.  There are two main ways how cuckoo clocks work: mechanical movements and battery-operated.  Read more…