Good morning sky and sun.
Good morning little wind that run!
Morning is special with your smile.
The brightness of the day which sparks up your face.
Getting an entire family up, dressed, fed and out the door can be challenging but having a consistent morning routine can help. Structured routines help make kids aware of what they are expected to do.
Make a morning routine chart
Maintaining a simple morning routine that kids can manage is highly recommended.
Keep your window open
Sunlight and fresh air are the best way to naturally wake your body up.
The two-minute exercise
Stretch your body.
Prepare the night before
Packing the school bag according to the timetable, laying out the uniform the night before to save some time in the morning.
Turn up the music
Play your kid’s favorite music or watch 5 minutes educational videos.
Feel the joy
Hug your kids, kiss them good morning and take a moment to connect. Take a walk in nature and read some fun books.
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